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Club EvMed: Spring call for student/postdoc presenters

Club EvMed has rapidly grown to become the premier virtual evolutionary medicine exchange for an international audience (catch up on any you may have missed here). After our successful initial round of student and postdoc Club EvMeds in the fall, we’re again planning for special upcoming meetings that will highlight some of the exciting evolutionary medicine research done by graduate students and postdocs in the field.

Nominations are now open for late-stage graduate students and early-stage postdoctoral researchers to share their work through Club EvMed. This is a fantastic opportunity to present your work virtually to the global evolutionary medicine community, get feedback, and initiate discussions and new connections. The Club EvMed steering committee will select up to 3 people to present 12-minute research talks. There will be a couple minutes for questions immediately after each talk, and individual “breakout rooms” where attendees can engage further with a particular speaker once all the presentations have concluded.

Consider nominating yourself or a colleague for this opportunity! Postdoc nominations are due by March 31st and can be submitted via this form (the Postdoc Spotlight Club EvMed is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, April 29th at 12pm EDT). Student nominations are due by April 28th and can be submitted via this form (the Student Spotlight Club EvMed is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, May 27th at 12pm EDT). Any questions can be directed to Meredith Spence Beaulieu (

We look forward to receiving your nominations!