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PIPP Phase I:

Modeling the Pandemic Lifecycle for Disease Control



Our PIPP Phase I study aims to address the following Grand Challenge question:

How can we characterize the pandemic potential of an early-stage disease outbreak and ready population health models for mitigation before the pathogen spreads regionally or internationally?


Through our efforts, our projects and team have grown! We are applying for a PIPP Phase II award. If funded, our new Center will be called The Center for Network Science of Outbreaks, Pandemics, and Environments (NeTScOPE).


NetScOPE will be organized by two foundations and five pillars:

Network and Network Processes Foundation will be comprised of the following three pillars:

  1. One Health

  2. Mobility and Migration

  3. Technology in Populations

Broader Impacts will be comprised of the following three pillars:

  1. Education and Workforce Development

  2. Collaboration and Knowledge Transfer