Fall 2023 Call for Graduate Student Award Proposals
TriCEM is now accepting proposals to support research on evolutionary perspectives on human, animal, and plant health. In this round of funding, we are soliciting applications from graduate students at Duke, NC State, and UNC. Awards at NC State are supported by the NC State Global One Health Academy and NCSU Genetics and Genomics Academy.
Proposed research activities should focus on evolutionary medicine, broadly defined to include research at the intersection of evolutionary biology, public health, and human, animal, and/or plant health & medicine, including One Health. For this cycle, applications from NC State should ensure that their evolutionary medicine project has a One Health component (i.e., is at the intersection of 2 or more of the following: human, animal, plant, environmental, biodiversity/ecosystem health).
Graduate Student Awards are one-year awards for graduate students to pursue research in evolutionary medicine and One Health. To be eligible, a student must be enrolled at Duke, NC State, or UNC. We expect the graduate student to lead the proposed research with the approval of their advisor and under appropriate mentorship for the research project. Awards will include the option of additional funds to support an undergraduate to serve as a research assistant on the project. To use these additional funds, we expect that the graduate student will participate in training on effective mentoring and play an active role in mentoring the undergraduate.
Previously funded research areas have included: the ecology and evolution of infectious disease; psychiatric and neurodegenerative disease; evolution of antimicrobial resistance; evolutionary perspectives in global health; evolution of aging; autoimmune disease and allergy; evolution and cancer; evolutionary perspectives on emerging plant diseases and food security; One Health and comparative medicine; and the genetic basis of disease. More information on previous projects can be found here: tricem.org/grad-students/.
Funds should be used for direct research expenses, supported by a budget and budget justification; tuition, fees, and stipends are not allowable expenses. Award amounts will vary depending on funding availability, up to $7,500. Funds for the undergraduate research assistant do not need to be accounted for in the Graduate Student Award budget.
Proposals are due on Friday, October 27th, 2023 and should follow the guidelines listed at https://tricem.org/rfp/. Please contact Dr. Johnny Uelmen (johnny.uelmen@duke.edu) with any questions.