TriCEM is hitting the road in 2022 for the Darwin Day Roadshow!
What is the Darwin Day Roadshow?
To coincide with Darwin’s birthday on February 12th, scientists travel across North Carolina to bring evolutionary science to schools and communities. There is no cost to teachers or schools, and we even leave behind a collection of evolution teaching resources. We’re looking forward to being back in person for this year’s Roadshow! That being said, we’ll be following all relevant COVID-19 guidelines and may be required to switch to virtual visits depending on the pandemic’s status in February. In addition to in-person visits in North Carolina, we are happy to do virtual visits to schools anywhere in the United States.
What is a typical Roadshow visit like?
We work with host teachers to design an event that best serves their school and community. There is no “typical” visit; both the topic and the format are flexible to meet specific needs. While classroom visits are most common, we’ve also done community-centered events like pub talks and evolution-themed movie screenings with discussion.
How do I participate?
First, learn more about the Darwin Day Roadshow by visiting our Roadshow website.
If you’re a K-12 educator and would like your school to be a stop on the Roadshow, you can apply here by the deadline of midnight (Eastern Time) on Monday, November 29th, 2021.
If you’re a grad student, postdoc, or researcher that would like to join us on the road to talk to students, teachers, and the general public about your research, evolution, and career opportunities in science, please fill out this form by Monday, November 29th, 2021. We’re primarily seeking volunteers based in NC, but others are welcome to participate in virtual visits.