Leaders: William K. Pan (Duke University), Barbara Qurollo (NC State), Roland Kays (NCMNS/NC State)
Working Group in Social and Biological Determinants of Health
Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is a severely neglected disease involving complex interactions between wildlife, domestic animals, sandfly vectors and humans. A multidisciplinary team of faculty and students from the NC State College of Veterinary Medicine, the NC Museum of Science Biodiversity Lab, Duke’s Global Health Institute and Nicholas School of the Environment, and two Peruvian research institutions initiated research in the Peruvian highlands in 2017 to understand and characterize transmission We request support for establishing a CL Working Group that will achieve the following two goals: 1) Establish regular meetings to report each team’s existing CL research in Peru in order to synthesize results for identifying unanswered research questions pertaining to CL; and 2) Prepare and submit a large research grant (i.e. NIH R01 or NSF) to support a multi-year, interdisciplinary CL research project. Our working group will conduct regular monthly meetings over the upcoming academic year (meeting notes will be reported online) and will include a workshop in Lima, Peru, with our Peruvian collaborators . The final outcome of our working group will be a submitted research grant that – if awarded – will strengthen collaborations across institutions and disciplines in the Triangle and abroad.
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