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Grant Proposals

TriCEM Grant Proposals


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Xu J, McAdams D, Volfovsky A. Equilibrium, network formation, and infectious-disease spread: bridging the divide between mathematical biology and economics. NSF RAISE IHBEM. $983,798. Awarded.Link
Nunn C, Moody J, McAdams D, Rasmussen D, Emch M. Modeling the Pandemic Lifecycle for Disease Control. NSF PIPP Phase I. $1,000,000. Awarded.Link
Paietta E. Society for the Study of Evolution R. C. Lewontin Early award. $2500. (submitted)
Blawas A, Nowacek D. Off the beating path: whale heart organoids as novel model for hypoxia tolerance. Duke Graduate School Katherine Goodman Stern Fellowship. $25,245. Awarded.
Weinhouse C, Di Giulio R, Jayasundara N. Health Effects Institute. (submitted)
Weinhouse C, Di Giulio R, Jayasundara N. Oregon Health & Science University Faculty Excellence and Innovation Award. (submitted)
Paietta E. Duke Center for International and Global Studies Graduate Grant Award. $1,250. Awarded.Link
Paietta E. International Primatological Society Conservation Grant. $1,450. Awarded.
Luo Y, Lowe C, Silver D. Duke Precision Genomics Collaboratory CAGT Genomic Technologies Pilot Research Grant. $20,000. Awarded.
Luo Y, Lowe C. Duke Precision Genomics Collaboratory OBGE Graduate Student Pilot Research Grant. $2,000. Awarded.
Tan CY. National University of Singapore Development Grant 2021. $7,500. Awarded.
Tan CY. Defining the mechanisms of action for immuno-metabolic control of fat gain by commensal Clostridium immunis. American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship. $64,072. Awarded.Link
Spurgeon K. Life in space: exploring the evolutionary co-adaptation of microbes on the ISS. NC Space Grant Graduate Research Fellowship Program. $10,000. Awarded.Link
Fernander M. Assessing simulated microgravity on Streptococcus mutans and silver physiology using experimental evolution. NC Space Grant Graduate Research Fellowship Program. $10,000. Pending.
Crosier A and Muletz-Wolz. Fiber for cheetahs: Investigating the link among dietary fiber, health, and the gut microbiome of cheetahs. Smithsonian Women's Committee Grant. $10,000. Awarded. (associated with Morgan Maly Graduate Student Award)
Maly M. Phi Kappa Phi Dissertation Award. $10,000. Awarded.Link
Schrock A. Duke Institute for Brain Sciences (DIBS) Germinator Award. $20,000. Awarded.Link
Grossman M. Duke Lemur Center Molly Glander Award. $500. Awarded. (associated with Allie Schrock Graduate Student Award)
Spurgeon K. Assessing the effect of microgravity on the evolution of Streptococcus mutans biofilms. NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program. $138,000. (submitted)
Lowe C. From a long list to causal variants: high-throughput gene regulatory assays in developing tissues. NGHRI R35. Awarded. (associated with Riley Mangan Graduate Student Award)Link
David L. NIH R01. Pending. (associated with Brianna Petrone Graduate Student Award)
Petrone B. Duke Katherine Goodman Stern Fellowship. (submitted)
Somarelli J, Quick N, Read A, Fahlman A. Defining the molecular physiologic impacts of stress on beaked whale hypoxia tolerance: implications for behavioral response. Office of Naval Research Long Range Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for Navy and Marine Corps Science & Technology 22-001. $505,910. Awarded.
Paietta E. Tracking viruses: optimization of anthroponotic viral detection approaches in lemurs. Duke Biology Grant-in-Aid match. $1000. Awarded.
Paietta E. Tracking viruses: optimization of anthroponotic viral detection approaches in lemurs. Sigma Xi GIAR. $1000. Awarded.Link
Howell C. Sickness communication in song sparrows (Melospiza georgiana). Animal Behavior Society. $1943.38. Pending.
Howell C. Sickness communication in song sparrows (Melospiza georgiana). Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. $524.35. Pending.
Tan CY. PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship. $50,000. (submitted)
Tan CY. National University of Singapore Development Grant 2019. $7,500. Awarded.
Surana NK. Mechanisms underlying disease regulation by Clostridium immunis. NIH R01. $3,200,000. (submitted)
Tung J and Anderson J. Genetic and evolutionary determinants of the immune response in wild baboons. Leakey Foundation grant. $14,951. Awarded.Link
Nunn C. Primate-parasite ecological networks: origins and drivers of coevolved relationships. Human Frontier Science Program. $945,000. (submitted)
Nunn C and Gray G. US-China Collab: Multilayer network approaches to infer zoonotic respiratory virus transmission to humans in China and Vietnam. NSF-EEID. $2,500,000. (submitted)
Beguesse K. New approach for discriminating medullary bone from pathologic bone in living and extinct archosaurs. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Cohen Award. $3,000. Awarded.
Beguesse K. Novel approach for distinguishing medullary bone from pathologic bone in avian species. IUCN-SSC Crocodile Specialist Group, Fritz Huchzermeyer Veterinary Science Student Research Grant. $1,000. Awarded.
Beguesse K. Novel approach for distinguishing medullary bone from pathologic bone in avian species. Wilson Ornithological Society, Student Research Awards. $2,430. (submitted)
Beguesse K. New approach for discriminating medullary bone from pathologic bone in living birds. American Ornithological Society, Student and Postdoctoral Research Awards. $1,000. Awarded.Link
Schnabel L. Use of metabolite potentiation to combat Staphylococcus aureus joint infection and limit the progression of osteoarthritis. NIH NIAMS R01. $3,283,970. (submitted)
Stringham N and Kemp A. Evolution of carotenoid accumulation mechanisms associated with human visual and cognitive health. Maculhealth. $10,000. (submitted)
Somarelli J. Duke Cancer Institute Pilot award. Awarded.
Somarelli J. Exploiting evolutionary fitness dynamics to overcome drug resistance in osteosarcomas. NCI R21. $275,000. (submitted)
Griffin J. Inflammation and biological aging in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Fulbright Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship. $25,000. Awarded.Link
Herrera J and Welch C. Rapid response to slow the spread of COVID-19 and deforestation in Madagascar. IUCN, Save our Species. $99,189. (submitted)
Herrera J and Welch C. Connecting & Empowering Students & Smallholder Farmers in Madagascar. General Mills, Advancing Regenerative Agriculture Farmer Resiliency. $97,200. Awarded.
Myers Harrison T. IMLS. $1,000,000. Pending.
Swanson Z and Pontzer H. The effect of lifestyle change on early childhood growth and health in the Daasanach of Northern Kenya. NSF DDRIG. $25,181. (submitted)
Lanzas C and Rasmussen D. Multi-scale modeling and phylodynamics for healthcare associated infections. CDC. $2,709,167. Awarded.
Brown A. Development of platelet-like particles for augmentation of hemostasis in congenital heart defect patients at high risk for bleeding during cardiac surgery. DOD PRMRP. $3,000,000. (submitted)
Tracy E and Sullenger. RNA aptamers as probes and regulators of coagulation - Supplement in settings relevant to COVID. NHLBI COVID Supplement. (submitted)
Tracy E. Selective targeting of upstream coagulation factors using aptamer-based inhibitors: A novel anticoagulation strategy for infants on extracorporeal life support (ECMO). NIH K08 Career Development Award. (submitted)
Somarelli J. A cross-species physiological and molecular analysis identifies functional connections between hypoxia tolerance, inflammation, and stress in marine mammals and humans. Office of Naval Research. $300,000. (submitted)
Tung J and Anderson J. Doctoral dissertation research: genetic and evolutionary determinants of the immune response in wild primates. NSF. $31,649. Awarded.Link
Pan W and Pontzer H. Sarcopenia using DLL approach. R01. (submitted)
Pan W. Gates Grant Challenge. (submitted)
Somarelli J and Fahlman A. Understanding the evolution of protective mechanisms against hypoxia in marine mammals. Dolphin Quest, Hawaii. $15,000. Awarded.Link
Ko DC. Understanding and overcoming Leishmania-mediated chemokine manipulation. NIH, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. (submitted)
Leuthner T. Exploring the role of mitochondrial homeostatic processes in the accumulation and transmission of environmentally-induced mtDNA mutations across generations. NIH F31. $91,556. Awarded.Link
Bornbusch S and Drea C. Antimicrobial resistance as a form of anthropogenic disturbance to lemur gut microbiomes. NSF DDIG: Biological Anthropology. $32,195. Awarded.Link
David L. DNA metabarcoding to assess food intake in microbiome studies. NIH. $1,691,422. (submitted)
David L. Discovering foods that affect the ability of human gut microbiota to resist pathogen colonization. Burroughs Wellcome Fund, Investigators in the Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease. $500,000. Pending.
Tracy E. Novel anticoagulation strategy using aptamer based inhibitors for infants on extracorporeal life support (ECMO). National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, K99 Career Pathway to Independence in Blood Science Award for Physician Scientists. $155,000. (submitted)
Tracy E. Selective targeting of upstream coagulation factors using aptamer based inhibitors as a novel anticoagulation strategy for infants on extracorporeal life support (ECMO). National Institute of Child Health and Human Disease, Pediatric Critical Care and Trauma Scientists Development Program K12 Scholar Award. $221,775. (submitted)
Grube A. Lessons from the environmental resistome in Galapagos: A One Health perspective. NSF Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide (GROW) Fellowship Program. $5,000. Awarded.
Somarelli J. Duke Cancer Institute pilot grant. (submitted)
Armstrong S, David L, and Pontzer H. Learning precise relationships between diet and gut microbial communities using DNA sequencing. The Vallee Foundation, Young Investigator Award. $300,000. (submitted)
Armstrong S, David L, and Pontzer H. DNA metabarcoding to track food intake. NIH. $2,398,494. (submitted)
Lindberg C. Duke Core Facility Voucher Program. Awarded.
Brazeau N. Identifying the distribution, origin, and threat of Plasmodium vivax in the DRC. NIH F30. $37,075. Awarded.Link
Ryser M and Hwang S. Molecular and radiologic predictors of invasion in a DCIS active surveillance cohort. Breast Cancer Research Fund. Awarded.
Schnabel L, Fowler V, Conlon P, and Fisher M. Antimicrobial tolerance in infectious arthritis: a novel treatment strategy to exploit altered bacterial metabolism. NIH. $3,235,713. (submitted)
Somarelli J. Exploring evolutionary fitness dynamics to overcome drug resistance in osteosarcomas. Sarcoma Foundation of America. $50,000. (submitted)
Somarelli J and Kim SY. Exploring evolutionary fitness dynamics to overcome drug resistance in osteosarcomas. NIH, National Cancer Institute Small grants for Cancer Research. $100,000. (submitted)
Barribeau S. VecPrime: immune priming to vaccinate vectors. The Wellcome Trust. $118,920. Awarded.
Yoder J and Dornburg A. Collaborative research: Understanding the molecular diversification of self recognition through ray-finned fish innate immune receptor families. NSF, Collaborative Research Grants. $673,889. Awarded.Link
Parker W. A practical approach for realizing the promise of helminth therapy for inflammatory disease treatment and prevention. NC Biotechnology Center. (submitted)
Wray G and Makohon-Moore S. Doctoral dissertation research: Investigation of the evolution of human adipocytes using iPSCs. NSF. $31,765. Awarded.Link
Tung J. Early adversity and DNA methylation in a primate model of stress and development. NIH. $2,010,912. Awarded.Link
Lopez D. Quest Diagnostics. (submitted)
Lopez D. NC Biotechnology Center. (submitted)
Permar S. Antibody and viral determinants of protection against CMV infection following gB/MF59 vaccination. NIH. $448,674. Awarded.Link
Nunn C, Kramer R, Moody J, Mucha P, and Young H. The impact of land use change on transmission potential networks and disease spread in rural Madagascar. NIH R01 in Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Disease multi-agency program. $2,496,912. Awarded.Link
Nunn C. Collaborative research: Sleep ecology in human evolution and health. NSF. $373,673. (submitted)
Nelson C. Antibody and viral determinants of protection against CMV infection following gB/MF59 vaccination. NIH-NICHD. $44,044. Awarded.Link
Mitchell C, Jones C, Umbanhowar J, and Carbone I. Multispecies interactions in the microbiome: dynamic responses of parasite individuals, populations, and communities. NSF-NIH-USDA. $2,500,000. Awarded.
Dorsey A. Philanthropic Education Organization Scholar Award. $15,000. Awarded .
Dorsey A. UNC Graduate Student Transportation Grant. $400. Awarded.
Dorsey A. UNC Graduate School, Tom and Karen Sox Summer Research Fellowship. $4,000. Awarded.
Dorsey A. Iron, infection, and malnutrition in Lima, Peru. American Philosophical Society, Lewis and Clark Fund for Exploration and Field Research. $4,900. Awarded.
Dorsey A. Iron, infection, and malnutrition in Lima, Peru: An investigation of the optimal iron hypothesis. Sigma Xi, Grant-in-Aid of Research. $300. Awarded.
Dorsey A. UNC Frank Porter Graham Institute, James J. Gallagher Dissertation Award. $3,000. Awarded.
Dorsey A. UNC Graduate Tuition Incentive Scholarship. $15,000. Awarded.
Dorsey A. Iron, infection, and malnutrition in Lima, Peru. National Science Foundation, DDIG: Biological Anthropology. $25,116. Awarded.Link
Dorsey A. An intergeneration investigation of iron, infection, and malnutrition in Lima, Peru. Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Award. $29,968. Awarded.